
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
In this episode we take a look at the role that religion still plays in Scottish schools, and how we would like to see this change. Our podcast host is Young Humanists Scotland ambassador and Humanist Society Scotland board member Chelsea Szczypior. Thought for the Podcast is given by celebrant and school teacher Shona Sharp. Our Chief Exec is in conversation with Professor Graeme Nixon about our campaign to end compulsory religious observance and segregation in Scotlan's school. Brian Eggo of the Glasgow Skeptics asks the question, what's the harm in faith schools in his inimitable style. Any finally we meet our new Policy and Campaign Officer Will Norton as he speaks to three young people about their experience of religion in schools.
Information for parents and carers on religion in schools: https://www.humanism.scot/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Non-Religious-Parents-Guide-from-Humanist-Society-Scotland.pdf
Information for young people on religion in schools: https://www.humanism.scot/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Non-Religious-Young-People-Guide-from-Humanist-Society-Scotland-2.pdf
Petition on ending compulsory religious worship in schools: https://www.humanism.scot/what-we-do/policy-campaigns/my-beliefs-my-choice/

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
This episode focuses on assisted dying and we hear from a range of people who support a change in Scottish law to allow the option of assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults. The podcast is hosted by Ally Thomson, director of Dignity in Dying Scotland, and opens with award winning Scottish author Andrew O’Hagan explaining why he supports legalised assisted dying. Next up our Chief Exec Fraser Sutherland is in conversation with Church of Scotland Minister Reverend Scott McKenna as they discuss how Scott balances his religious beliefs with his support for assisted dying. The third segment of our podcast involves a very raw conversation between the daughters of Heather Black, an Edinburgh charity worker and campaigner who died a very traumatic death last year. CONTENT WARNING: This segment involves graphic description of a difficult death and is not suitable for younger listeners or anyone who may be affected by descriptions of a traumatic death, grief, and trauma arising from either of these. In his regular segment, Brian Eggo fact checks some of the common mistruths used by opponents of assisted dying. We end the podcast with a trip down under as ex-MSP Maro Biagi and assisted dying campaigner for Go Gentle Australia Frankie Bennet discuss what lessons Scotland can take from the successful assisted dying campaigns that have been held in Australia and New Zealand. If you agree with what you have heard on this podcast, please make your support known by taking part in the public consultation on the assisted dying bill that Liam McArthur MSP has put before the Scottish Parliament. All responses must be in by 22nd December 2021, and to make this incredibly important change we need the silent majority of Scots who are in support of assisted dying for terminally ill, legally competent adults to make their voices heard. Complete a consultation response: https://www.assisteddying.scot/Transcript: https://www.humanism.scot/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/HumanKind-Podcast-Episode-3-transcript-.docxThis podcast deals with many difficult issues and if you have been affected by them please see below for some sources of support and further information:Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland: http://www.crusescotland.org.uk/The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/?nation=scotlandBreathing Space: https://breathingspace.scot/Dignity in Dying Scotland: https://www.dignityindyingscotland.org.uk/Friends at the End: https://fate.scot/

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
In this episode we hand the reins over to Humanists International. Humanists International board member and Ghanaian humanist and activist Roslyn Mould delivers a thought provoking opening segment. Afghan atheist Josef Moradi, and Ina Mossin from the Norwegian Humanists Association talk candidly about Josef's asylum journey, and podcast regular Brian Eggo tackles lies on social media. We also hear from Emma Wadsworth-Jones of Humanists International, and James Ibor and Leo Igwe about that latest news in their campaign to free Nigerian Humanist Association President Mubarak from prison following accusations of blasphemy last year. We end the podcast with Edinburgh local group convenor Cathy Crawford taking the Five Fast Question hot seat.Links: Find out more about the work of Humanists International here https://humanists.international/Support Mubarak Bala's legal fund here: https://uk.gofundme.com/f/free-mubarak-bala

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Recorded over late Summer and early Autumn, in this episode GCU lecturer in law Dr Andrew Tickell gives us his opinion on the Hate Crime Bill (please note some amendments have been agreed since this interview), Glasgow Skeptic's Brian Eggo talks us through the perils and pitfalls of personal biases, Humanists UK Chief Exec Andrew Copson outlines the latest battle for legal humanist marriage in England and Wales, and Mary MacKay and Mark McKergow discuss volunteering during the pandemic. We've also got Thought for the Podcast delivered by Celebrant Linda Britton, and Humanist Society Scotland trustee Jim Chalmers plays Fast Five Questions.

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
This episode follows volunteers from our Glasgow SteetCare team on their weekly route, why you shouldn't be scared of 5G phones, the impact of international humanism, and our regular thought for the podcast.